
Park as a line

Park as a line

A field trip resulted in the creative thesis Park as a line – Sketching as a method for studying movement patterns in The Tagus Linear Park, Portugal. I wanted to incorporate sketching as a method for academic studies since I believe that the sensual and bodily experiences we feel when sketching on field trips should better be incorporated in the academic world.

My subject for the thesis was to investigate two different park typologies, more profoundly how linear park typologies affect human moving patterns. Sinha (2014) describes the linear park as a relatively new typology in the post-industrial landscape. Environments that previously functioned as industrial areas, including old motorways, closed canals and closed railways, have today been reused in these places and opened up for linear parks.

By using sketching methods based on Heath et al:s theories, I was able to further understand how the linear parks differ from more traditional typologies.

The selected sketches below was included in the thesis. In total, 21 sketches were made.